If It Bleeds: Nightcrawler vs Christine

Nightcrawler vs Christine

2 movies about the "If it bleeds, it leads" school of journalism, society's fascination with violence, and the effect that this has on us as individuals — it’s Nightcrawler vs Christine.

Zero to Hero: Into the Spider-Verse vs Sucker Punch

Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse vs Sucker Punch

I get animated discussing 2 visually stunning movies that feature disenfranchised heroes discovering various realms and finding their inner strength along the way — it's Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse vs Sucker Punch.

Date with Destiny: Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind vs TiMER

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind vs TiMER

We're venturing into a more interesting side of relationships with 2 movies where technology becomes intertwined with love and where our protagonists must decide whether to meddle with their romantic fates — it's Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind vs TiMER.

Hustlers: American Hustle vs America's Sweethearts

American Hustle vs America's Sweethearts

Two movies about keeping up appearances to get what you want and the very complicated relationships that make it difficult to do so ⁠— it's American Hustle vs America's Sweethearts.

At Last: The Notebook vs Disobedience

The Notebook vs Disobedience

I get romantic this week discussing 2 movies about love & freedom with characters torn between a life of what they've been told they should want and what they actually want — it's The Notebook vs Disobedience.

And instead of the word "characters" I could just say "Rachel McAdams is torn" because she is in both films facing similar dilemmas. Disobedience is the grown-up version of The Notebook, the less idyllic, more realistic depiction of a couple that is meant to be.

Know-It-All: The Social Network vs Election

The Social Network vs Election

This week I’m comparing 2 movies that feature smart but difficult people whose successes come at the expense of human relationships ⁠— it’s The Social Network vs Election.

Brave New World: Mad Max: Fury Road vs Demolition Man

Mad Max Fury Road vs Demolition Man

This week, I’m discussing two visually inventive movies set in the future that show a man and woman teaming up to right the world’s wrongs and challenge the status quo — it’s Mad Max: Fury Road vs Demolition Man.