mara wilson

Mara Wilson | Strong Female Leads

Mara Wilson Strong Female Leads

Mara Wilson (Matilda, BoJack Horseman) truly feels like a best friend when chatting with her, and can talk about anything with ease and humor. We cover psychological studies, attractive 90s looks, and very specific movie genres in addition to discussing her acting career, her book (which I love) Where Am I Now? True Stories of Girlhood and Accidental Fame, and how she curates such a perfect Twitter feed.

Follow Mara on Twitter and Instagram | Read Mara's book, Where Am I Now? | Mara is on Cameo | Read more Mara on Shan't We Tell the Vicar | Listen to Mara narrate The Faceless Old Woman Who Secretly Lives In Your Home

Gifted: The Sixth Sense vs Matilda

The Sixth Sense vs Matilda

I've got the perfect kid's double header this week: two movies featuring children with special abilities who learn to understand them with the help of a nice adult who in turn is helped by the child — it's The Sixth Sense vs Matilda.

Family Matters: Mrs. Doubtfire vs Striptease

Mrs. Doubtfire vs Striptease

Two movies that are shockingly similar in their theme of parents willing to go to any lengths for their children are Mrs. Doubtfire and Striptease. Spoiler alert, I’m going to convince you that you’re better off watching Striptease with your kids than Mrs. Doubtfire because Striptease has better morals.