paul verhoeven

Working Girl: La La Land vs Showgirls

This is the 200th official episode of Tasteless, so I’m bringing it back to where the show began. I’ve done a brand new episode on the comparison that inspired me to start a podcast, with all the care and dedication required for a supposedly tasteless film that looms so large.

Two movies about following your dreams and the ripple effect that has on who you become — it’s La La Land vs Showgirls.

I delve into the brilliant physicality of Elizabeth Berkley’s performance as Nomi Malone and why Showgirls deserves a reappraisal.

More Than Meets the Eye: The Wolf of Wall Street vs Starship Troopers

The Wolf of Wall Street vs Starship Troopers

Tasteless gets extra analytical in this week's episode about 2 satires tearing down the machinations that enslave our society while highlighting protagonists on the wrong side of history — it's The Wolf of Wall Street vs Starship Troopers.

Opposites Attract: When Harry Met Sally vs Basic Instinct

When Harry Met Sally vs Basic Instinct

We’ve gotten through Valentine’s Day so it’s time to talk about relationships. This week, I’m featuring 2 movies where a pair of people tell themselves they shouldn’t be together yet something keeps bringing them back together, 2 movies that explore our society’s stereotypical beliefs about the relationships between men and women — it’s When Harry Met Sally vs Basic Instinct.